Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Colton to Start Working on First Album

"I'm home for the first time in 3 months=) Feels good to get some family/friend time in for a couple days. But I'm stoked to say that I start writing for my first album this week=) I'll let you know details as they come up=)"

Colton's Facebook

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Colton on Ellen

'It's Weird Being Outside of the American Idol Bubble'

Colton Dixon was American Idol's golden boy from the moment he stepped into the audition room last summer. A favorite among all three judges, the 20-year-old singer never found himself in danger of elimination — until last week.

After his lukewarm renditions of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" and Earth Wind and Fire's "September" last week, the young singer received the lowest amount of votes and was sent home from the competition.

Dixon talked to reporters about his surprise exit, his future music plans, and his thoughts on who will be the next American Idol.

On his shocking elimination. "I had a feeling I was in the bottom three, but I was still surprised because I had never been in the bottom. At the same time, I’m okay with it and I’m glad Hollie gets to stay longer. She’s going to kill it this week and all’s going to be well. It all happened so fast, and since I had never been in the bottom, I didn’t fully understand what was going on. Even the next morning when I woke up, I was thinking, 'OK, I need to get ready for the mentor session,' and I was like, 'Oh wait, that wasn’t a bad dream last night!' It’s weird being on the other side of things and outside of the Idol bubble."

 On his musical ambitions. "I definitely want to do Christian music. I hope that I get to. I’m going to write as much as I can and see what comes out. I had someone earlier today ask me if I would do a duet with my sister on an album, and I think that would be amazing. It’s a great idea. That would be so much fun."

On staying true to himself by performing his "favorite worship song."
"I’m a Christian and I’m not going to shy away from it. I thought I should share that with everyone watching and I got great feedback from what I did. I was so glad I got to sing ["Everything" by Lifehouse] not once, but twice on the show. I think that made an impact and that encouraged fellow believers to take a stand for what they believe in and not be ashamed of it." 

On who will take the American Idol title.
 "In seasons past, I could clearly pick a winner, and I’m not just saying this because they’re all dear to me, but it’s anyone’s game, and I genuinely mean that. I think a lot of people were surprised by me leaving last week, but it goes to show you that no one’s safe. America has to vote for their favorites. There are a couple of people that stand out every week, but at the same time, there’s room for dark horses in this race. I’m just as curious as everyone else who’s going to take this thing home, because I honestly have no clue."
On the judge who gave him the best advice. "I think Randy has given the best. I love them all and they all bring something different, but Randy has really reached out and invested in me and I love seeing that. He told me never stray too far from who you are and always up your game. It’s not week to week now, but it might be song to song or album to album hopefully. So I’ll definitely take that and always remember that."
Source: Parade

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MyFox11 Los Angeles Hangout w/Colton Dixon

'Idol's' Colton Dixon is going to White House Correspondents' Dinner

Colton Dixon is going from "American Idol" to the nation’s capital.
The 20 year-old singer -- who was shockingly eliminated last Thursday-- will attend this weekend’s annual White House Correspondents' Dinner as a special guest of The Christian Broadcasting Network, has learned exclusively.

“I think it was pretty clear from the beginning where Colton’s heart is,” CBN news director Rob Allman told us. “His heart is in Christianity and his strong feeling for God. As soon as he was voted off, I sent an email saying we should try to get Colton to be our guest if he would.”
While the Tennessee native probably won’t get to meet the president, he will rub elbows with some of the biggest celebrities in the world.  Previous guests at the star-studded event have include Courteney Cox, Donald Trump and Justin Bieber -- as well as past "Idol" hopefuls Katharine McPhee, Chris Sligh and Mandisa.

Influential members of the media with space at their tables try to invite guests who “hopefully will catch some attention but will also send a message about what their organization is about,” Allman said.
CBN also extended an invite to Green Bay Packers wide-receiver and Donald Driver, who had to back out due to a last-minute commitment for “Dancing With the Stars.”

Allman admitted he followed Dixon’s "Idol" journey “as much as you can on television and on the web,” and said he was particularly impressed when the singer chose to ignore producers’ suggestions to refrain from expressing his spirituality on the show.

"When we first started the Twitter and Facebook stuff, they said beware of political and religious tweets," Dixon told last month. "Just because it can turn off voters or whatever. But, you know, being a Christian is who I am.  It is a part of me musically. It is what I want to do after the show -- go into Christian music."

And Allman believes Dixon will be the next big sensation in that genre.
“Based on some of the things that he performed, I think he can write his own ticket,” Allman said.  “He can clearly go quite a ways -- probably the furthest that any ‘American Idol’ contestant, as a Christian singer, could go.”
Source: The Clicker

Colton Dixon Might Write Songs With Chris Daughtry and Lifehouse

It's been a week since Colton Dixon was eliminated from "American Idol", but he already talked to some big stars for possible collaborations. The seventh-place finisher told MTV News that he chatted with Chris Daughtry at a recent dinner and got a call from Jason Wade of Lifehouse after he sang the band's song.

"I had dinner with Chris Daughtry and there's the option of writing with him, which would be amazing," he opened up. "And Jason Wade of Lifehouse called me up after I did his song and was interested in writing." The aspiring singer performed the band's 2000 song "Everything" on "Idol" top 9 performance night on March 28.

A fan of DAUGHTRY, Colton gushed, "I'm definitely trying to get as much advice from Chris on the future as possible. Just to help model my career after things that he has done, because he's done a phenomenal job of just going for it even after getting voted off fourth. I'm hoping I can make the most out of top seven."

Of his debut album, he spilled, "I have multiple, multiple songs, it's gonna be hard choosing songs for a record, I'm going to be writing till my fingers bleed." He added, "I hope I get to incorporate some of my older stuff in there too because then I can make it come full circle for me and this record would mean that much more."

Although he didn't give any further details, Colton had already revealed what kind of music he wanted to make. "I definitely want to do Christian music," he previously said. "I hope that I get to, but right now, I'm going to write as much as I can and see what comes out. And then whatever the product is of that will be where I'm placed as far as the genre of music."

The devout Christian was also keen to collaborate with his younger sister, Schyler. The 20-year-old singer shared, "I think that would be amazing. It's a great idea, I'll look into it, see if she wants to do it -- which I'm sure she'd love to. It'd be so much fun, but we'll have to see and cross that bridge if and when it comes."

Source: ACE Shobiz