Friday, April 20, 2012

Colton: "I'm Honored to be the Tim Tebow of American Idol"

We may have to wait several more months before Tebow Time begins, but right now it's Colton Dixon time. Even though the 20-year-old singer was eliminated from American Idol on Thursday night, he still has a strong group of followers, especially in the Christian community, that are highly anticipating his post-Idol career. And it's because of his strong commitment to his faith (and of course his good looks) that Dixon has been called the Tim Tebow of TV and Idol. But, how does Dixon feel about his new nickname?
"Honored," he tells exclusively. "I've truly enjoyed watching Tim display his faith openly on TV, and I appreciate that because I understand what he gets in return for that. Not everyone likes that, but he knows who he his, and he knows who he stands for. I'm the same way. I'm not going to dare shy away from my faith. And I didn't."

Even though he's dedicated to his Christian beliefs, Dixon might have ruffled some religious feathers by choosing to sing "Bad Romance" by the decidedly un-Christian Lady Gaga on Wednesday. In fact, Dixon feels his song choice might have been party responsible for his ouster. "Song choice got the best of me this week," he explains. "I made sure to tweak the song and make it presentable — but at the same time, since a lot of my fans are religious, they heard Lady Gaga and immediately turned off. I should have planned for that. I should have thought about that when choosing a song. I paid the consequences of it."

Still, elimination hasn't deterred Dixon from hoping to score a Christian Rock record deal. "I hope that happens," he says. "If it doesn't, I'm going to put out a record anyway. It would definitely be edgy. It would have some Rock flavor. [But] I would love to go into Christian music. I would be totally OK with doing a Switchfoot thing as well. They play the best of both worlds."

Dixon hopes to achieve the level of fame that former Idol contender Chris Daughtry has found. "He's big about his faith," Dixon shares. "Man, if my career goes anywhere near as good as where his career has gone, I'm going to be just fine."

And on a side note, for those Dixon fans who have been wondering about his rumored romance with Skylar Laine, well good news! "I'm going to put them to rest," Dixon says. "But first I'm going to tell you a funny story. Last night, I was eliminated obviously and got back to the mansion. I saw Skylar, and the first thing she said was, 'So, I guess that we're broken up now.' It was so funny. But, no, Skylar and I have never dated. We're really good friends. She can come to me with anything. I can go to her with anything. All the Idol contestants are like that — It's a big family. It would be weird for anyone to date anyone. It's so strange to think about."

Source: Hollywood

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